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  • Identify your customers' needs using the Why Test.

Identify your customers' needs using the Why Test.

How to build a beloved brand around your startup by identifying the deeper problems your product solves for customers.

Firstly, I apologize for the pause in my newsletter over the last few weeks. In addition to the hustle of our startup, I had personal matters that consumed all of my time. However, receiving messages from some of my subscribers, who were eagerly awaiting the newsletter, was a very motivating and positive sign for me. 🫶🏻

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Today, In just three minutes, we'll explore how to find deeper human needs for your startup problem.

Successful brands today have not become popular by introducing new needs. They've provided innovative solutions to timeless needs.

Essentially, a business solves a functional problem. For instance, toothpaste is for cleaning teeth, and airplanes are for quick long-distance travel.

But, beneath these needs are core drivers that we all value. Top startups tap into these deeper human needs, beyond the functional, in some way. To create a brand that people love and value, we need to identify more than just the obvious needs being met.

The Why Test

You're holding an incredible innovation in your hands. In your pitch deck, you'll need to clearly state the problem your innovation solves - this should be one of the first slides. This description can be functional and straightforward.

However, before you can build a beloved brand around your startup, you need to identify the problem it solves for your customers on a deeper level, in a more human way. (Let's use Henry Ford's quote as an example.) The problem isn't as simple as "People want a personal motorized means of transportation." That's a superficial insight, similar to saying "people want a crunchy cereal with raisins." Instead, let's start with an obvious, relatable problem that people face daily. Perhaps it's something like "I rely on my horse to get around, but horses are slow and tire easily."

Don't stop here. This is where the 'Why Test' begins:

  • Why does it matter to people that their horses are slow?

    • "It takes me too long to get places and I can’t travel very far."

  • And why does that matter?

    • "I spend more time commuting than enjoying my life and accomplishing things."

  • And why does that matter?

    • "Because my life is short and I have so much to achieve! I can’t waste my short life on the back of this horse!"

By understanding your customers' deeper needs, you can better tailor your product and brand to them, making it a valued part of their lives.

💡Takeaway → Top startup brands address deeper human needs, not just functional ones.

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