The Dilemma of Testing

How can a startup redefine its category without data to back it up?

Read time: 3 Minutes

Today, we will look at why it’s impossible to create a brand that completely redefines its category if you’re testing every decision before launch.

Over time, well-established categories develop standard tropes and traditions. Occupying the same space becomes an industry norm.

For instance, in one AD agency, we managed a substantial account for a German bank. We compiled campaign images from various major banks, all of which lacked corporate identity, onto a single slide. As a result, the client was unable to recognize their own campaign images. True Story

Subtle differences differentiate brands, but they all essentially follow the same set of rules. That is until a brand disrupts these norms, achieves massive success, and establishes a new set of rules. However, rule-breaking isn't an easy decision due to the substantial risk involved. Hence, even new brands often stick to established practices.

There are usually solid reasons why competitors stick to their lanes. Often, it's the result of extensive research and refinement by industry leaders over the years. They've figured out what works, and often, they're the ones who've set these standards.

Therefore, if you decide to deviate from the norm, you must have a compelling reason.

How can a startup redefine its category without data to back it up?

A strategy rooted in consumer truth is necessary. If you aim to innovate within a category or forge a new one, you must:

1 ➡️➡️ Find out, what unique value can you offer that others haven't claimed, but is still important to people. How can you establish a distinctive niche that hasn't been explored before, yet will still resonate with your audience?

2 ➡️➡️ Don't focus too much on your product benefits—consider instead how your product fits into a broader narrative about people's past and their desired future.

Don't get me wrong, research is essential before product development. It involves understanding the target audience, and their needs, and identifying problems. Live testing, such as A/B testing of ads or landing pages, can provide actual results. It's not that consumers don't know what they want. It's just that expressing a desire for something entirely new, especially in a testing environment, can be challenging when they've never seen what that could be.

💡Takeaway → It’s impossible to create a brand that completely redefines its category if you’re testing every decision before launch.

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